Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A New Kind Of Teacher

Sal Khan in his walk-in closet office.
            Sal Khan, no it's not a place, it's a man. He is a man that has done something free for the world. Sal Khan runs Khan Academy. He's started a school, for free. That's right, free education. He quit his job as a Hedge-fund manager and decided to take his Harvard MBA and throw it out the window. Now, he teaches out of his walk-in closet for free. He has put together a very comprehensive list of video tutorials for virtually every subject. He's even gotten recognition from Bill Gates (Gates being a student). Check out this video praise from Gates at Ideas Festival 2010.

           Khan's videos never shows his face and you only hear his voice. His videos are done with just a few hundred dollars worth of video equipment and a electronic blackboard. With subjects ranging from The Atom to The 4-part French Revolution study. Khan has brought something to the internet that we as a society have needed for a long time, free legitimate education. His lessons are straight forward and very layman. His videos are almost done in a conversational manner.Bottom line go to his site and further your education, it seems there are no more excuses for not going back to school. If your already in school, go to the site and *presto* free tutor.



psmith0287 said...

yeah you might learn a lot and stuff but my belief is that your get what you pay for and you can watch these free videos all you want but you still won't get a degree or a career

jfowle6618 said...

I don't believe you can get a degree from this, but it would be like having a tutor

Socio 3030150 said...

It's not about getting a degree, it's about learning something. Can't knowledge be a prize? All I mean is, learning something new should be an award all in itself. Even though it's hard these days, it doesn't have to always be about what can get you money. THINK SELF ENLIGHTENMENT.

All the addresses said...

I watched several of his videos. He tends to throw in some extraneous information that confuses the subject.

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