Monday, July 26, 2010

If History Repeats Itself, Why Don't We Think Ahead?

So...We're running out of IP addresses.

        Before I get started just let me say, I love technology and look forward to every new innovation. (while quietly not-being so innovative)  But, my faith is starting to dwindle. Before I even read half of the above article I was reminded of when we ran out of Phone Numbers. Later in the article they mention that the IP address problem is very similar to when we ran out of phone numbers. Thus, history repeats itself. Why didn't all the brilliant minds of yesterday think about this? It makes me curious. And believe me I don't like to always point out the obvious mistakes in my articles, but they really aren't helping me.
       So, they run out of IP addresses because every device that links to a network has one. They want to add extra digits to IP addresses, but haven't been successful in ten years. I have a layman's  suggestion.Try reusing them  much like a cell phone company  or land line company  recycles numbers. If you dial any one of your old telephone numbers I almost guarantee someone will answer.  Now, I know  it's very  hard to tell with so many devices when someone  breaks or looses one, but we should have had a system in place for these kinds of things. If we continue to rely on technology without  thoroughly checking all possible "doomsday" scenarios we might as well invite the old pen, paper, and stamps into our lives. That's what all the IP addresses are being wasted on anyway, texting, and so called social networking.

With that in mind, maybe pen, paper, and stamps would be a good thing.


All the addresses said...

You have a unique way of looking at things. Nice job thinking outside the box.

Socio 3030150 said...

Thanks, I'm glad someone's reading.

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