Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A New Kind Of Teacher

Sal Khan in his walk-in closet office.
            Sal Khan, no it's not a place, it's a man. He is a man that has done something free for the world. Sal Khan runs Khan Academy. He's started a school, for free. That's right, free education. He quit his job as a Hedge-fund manager and decided to take his Harvard MBA and throw it out the window. Now, he teaches out of his walk-in closet for free. He has put together a very comprehensive list of video tutorials for virtually every subject. He's even gotten recognition from Bill Gates (Gates being a student). Check out this video praise from Gates at Ideas Festival 2010.

           Khan's videos never shows his face and you only hear his voice. His videos are done with just a few hundred dollars worth of video equipment and a electronic blackboard. With subjects ranging from The Atom to The 4-part French Revolution study. Khan has brought something to the internet that we as a society have needed for a long time, free legitimate education. His lessons are straight forward and very layman. His videos are almost done in a conversational manner.Bottom line go to his site and further your education, it seems there are no more excuses for not going back to school. If your already in school, go to the site and *presto* free tutor.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Battles on the High Seas of the Internet!!

Even though my chosen article (click to view) for today is old, I encourage you to read it along with another Court Document (click for link) if you have the time.

Now, assuming you read the article, let me fast forward 3 years. Isohunt is the prominent search engine for torrents cached through out the internet. There site, due to a 4/2010 court order, have stupefied their site for the American user making it useless as a tool and instead of the safe sound nature of the website that we knew and loved (which allowed viewers to leave comments about their selected files) it has become less of a pirate playground and more of a virus wellspring for legitimate users. I'm not saying I'm innocent, when NAPSTER first came out in the late 90's we were ALL guilty, before we even knew it was wrong.

So, now with admitted guilt, I ask should we all be punished? Isohunt, in my opinion, was a witch hunt. A very unsuccessful one. They did not host the Illegal torrents, anyone who knows anything about torrenting knows the site did not contain any illegal data. For those of you that don't know, torrents are files that you can download, typically very small (256kb). When downloaded you can open the torrent with a Torrent Client and it will connect you to hundreds of other peoples computers and download from them.

So, the courts ultimatum? Filter your search terms. Great! Ohh wait, if we filter out every copyrighted source known to man what words are we allowed to search for? IsoHunt said NO! Now we can't see them in their full glory anymore (they do offer a "lite" version for us U.S. users).

So, what's my point? Google. IsoHunt has been unfairly tried. I challenge you to do something,
        1) Go to GOOGLE
        2) Think of a movie in theaters
        3) Now type - nameofmovie filetype:torrent
        4) Press enter
        5) Look at all the illegal torrents GOOGLE has to offer.

What's that you say? Google just supplied you with illegal content? What, it's no different than the results you get from IsoHunt? I don't expect anyone to stand up to Google, and I don't want them to. I just wish the court systems could recognize a search engine from PIRATE BAY.

My only true question is why Google hasn't been forced to filter their search terms. To me it was an ISO witch hunt. And ultimately if one of the boys or girls can't have candy then none of the boys and girls should have candy.

In closing I challenge you to find out some more on your own and let me know what you feel about it.

The Real IsoHunt (only accessible through proxy)

Dare to Compare and See for Yourself

Monday, July 26, 2010

If History Repeats Itself, Why Don't We Think Ahead?

So...We're running out of IP addresses.

        Before I get started just let me say, I love technology and look forward to every new innovation. (while quietly not-being so innovative)  But, my faith is starting to dwindle. Before I even read half of the above article I was reminded of when we ran out of Phone Numbers. Later in the article they mention that the IP address problem is very similar to when we ran out of phone numbers. Thus, history repeats itself. Why didn't all the brilliant minds of yesterday think about this? It makes me curious. And believe me I don't like to always point out the obvious mistakes in my articles, but they really aren't helping me.
       So, they run out of IP addresses because every device that links to a network has one. They want to add extra digits to IP addresses, but haven't been successful in ten years. I have a layman's  suggestion.Try reusing them  much like a cell phone company  or land line company  recycles numbers. If you dial any one of your old telephone numbers I almost guarantee someone will answer.  Now, I know  it's very  hard to tell with so many devices when someone  breaks or looses one, but we should have had a system in place for these kinds of things. If we continue to rely on technology without  thoroughly checking all possible "doomsday" scenarios we might as well invite the old pen, paper, and stamps into our lives. That's what all the IP addresses are being wasted on anyway, texting, and so called social networking.

With that in mind, maybe pen, paper, and stamps would be a good thing.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Perfect Citizen or Flawed Government

After reading about the "Perfect Citizen" program, I can see how some people may become paranoid and feel the government is going to start watching. Not me. I think they made a mistake. To clarify, for those who haven't read, Perfect Citizen is a program that detects Cyberattacks on Critical U.S. Locations (Nuclear Reactors and the like). So, this program can alert the government if a foreign entity attacks. Now you may say, "We should be scared!" But, what you should be asking is, "Why did my all powerful government put nuclear reactors and power plants on a globally accessible Internet?"

We shouldn't need watchdog programs like Perfect Citizen, because major government intelligence and nuclear reactors shouldn't be on the grid. We set ourselves up for attack. Programs that watch for attacks are not preventing the attacks, they're just watching for them and stopping them after the fact. Why do these places need to be connected to a network that can be hacked into from china? I would be worried about the information the government has out there that can be hacked, not what they are watching me do.
Bottom line, they messed up. You don't need sensitive information online, take it from me government, I know your watching, go back to file cabinets.

Check out the source article here!!!
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